Fundraising and the Teegarden Project

Devon Stafford Little League (DSLL) is a 100% volunteer organization and a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. The township does not provide any financial support to DSLL. The league is entirely funded by participant registration fees, sponsorships, fundraisers, and donations from people and organizations.
There are four ways that you can donate money directly to DSLL. All donations to DSLL are tax deductible.
1. Venmo (no processing fees, please note donation for Fundraising or Teegarden Project): @DevonStraffordLL
2. Donate via DSLL website using a credit card or bank account (processing fees will be absorbed by DSLL),
3. Donate through PayPal to the email address [email protected] (depending on payment type processing fees may apply). Also by selecting "For Friends and Family" that will help keep processing fees down.
4. Mail a check or money order to DSLL:
Make your check or money order out to "Devon Strafford Little League", make sure you note "donation" in the memo field, and mail your check or money order to the following address:
Devon Strafford Little League
PO Box 674
Devon, PA 19333
Thank you in advance for your support and consideration.
DSLL Tax Deductible Donation Receipt 2024TEEGARDEN PROJECT
The DSLL Board is pleased to announce its approval of a ten-year lease extension and capital improvement project at Tredyffrin Township Teegarden Park Field 4. The capital improvements will include a complete renovation of the field and the addition of fencing that will make Teegarden 4 similar to the league’s Clarke 1 field. The lease and improvements will provide three key benefits to DSLL players:
1. Teegarden 4 will replace the Clarke 2 field (located at the DSLL complex on Old State Road) as the league’s secondary field. The Clarke 2 field is located in a flood plain, which has become an increasing problem due to more frequent severe storms. The field was completely washed-out multiple times in the last ten years, resulting in the need to replace fences and rework the field at significant cost to the league – approximately $30,000 in total over the period. With each rebuild, the playing surface has become more challenging to return to a quality, safe condition, negatively impacting the playing experience and risking injury. Teegarden 4 is on higher ground and should not experience the same storm impacts, and, with the capital improvements, will provide a safe, high-quality experience for our players.
2. Teegarden 4 will allow DSLL players to extend their Little League participation at the Intermediate Level. Previously, players aged out of the league at age 12 because the league has not offered a 50/70 option. 50/70, also known as Intermediate, is a program available to 13-year-olds, and is played on a field that is larger than a Little League field, but smaller than the fields used for older players in middle/high school. Our existing Clarke 1 field is convertible to a 50/70 field, but the league designates its primary use for our 12 and under Little League programs. Clarke 1 is typically fully scheduled throughout the year to accommodate those programs, particularly during the Spring season. The lack of a sufficiently available field has prevented the league from offering 50/70 in the past. The capital improvements at Teegarden 4 will make the field convertible between a Little League field and 50/70 field to allow use by the Little League programs, and to allow the league to begin offering an Intermediate program.
3. Teegarden 4 will accommodate the league’s growing enrollment at all levels. DSLL has seen player participation increase at all levels over the last several years, including a substantial increase in summer and fall league participation. The league utilizes a combination of owned and rented fields for practices and games throughout the year. With the increase in participation, we are simply running out of space. Teegarden 4 will provide the league an additional quality year-round field option, relieving our scheduling constraints.
The Board strongly believes the Teegarden 4 project provides a unique opportunity to develop needed quality field capacity and substantially enhance our players’ experience, while prudently deploying capital into facilities that will last and be used and useful for many years into the future.
DSLL is seeking donations to help fund the capital improvements at Teegarden 4. The total cost of the project at Teegarden 4 is $100,000, as approved by the Board. Work will be phased to ensure the field is playable for Spring 2024, and to allow the league to temporarily absorb some of the cost of the work using reserve funds. Ultimately though, the league will need to raise money to fund the capital improvements.
To accomplish this, the Board is launching a fundraising campaign. The campaign will begin with an optional donation request during Spring 2024 registration. The league would be very grateful for any donations from players/families. Subsequently, the league will be reaching out to local businesses and league alumni with a similar donation request.
For those unfamiliar with the layout of Teegarden Park, Field 4 is the first field next to the tennis courts off the main entrance from Contention Lane. We have attached renderings of the completed Teegarden 4 field.
Any questions regarding the Teegarden 4 project can be directed to [email protected].
The DSLL Board is excited for this project, and for the upcoming spring season.