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Devon Strafford Little League

The Upper Divisions of DSLL Softball includes JuniorsSeniors, and Big League.  Girls in 7th Grade and above (League age 12 to 18) play in these divisions and play is competitive.  Twelve year olds in Seventh Grade may play on a team in either Majors, Juniors, or both, upon request.  Games are scheduled against other area leagues.

            Juniors – 12 to 14 year olds (pitching is from 40 feet). 
            Seniors – 13 to16 year olds (pitching is from 43 feet)
            Big League – 14 to18 year olds (pitching is from 43 feet).

Depending on player registration, we may field one or more teams in each division.  If there are not enough players registered for a team in a lower division, those players are eligible to move up to a team in a higher division.  A team from each division is eligible to represent DSLL in their respective Little League World Series Tournaments.  A player must play in 60% of their team's regular season games to be eligible for the Tournament Team.

The Berwyn-Paoli Area Little League softball program is combined with the Devon Strafford Little League softball program.
Please register at Berwyn Paoli Area Little League.

Contact Us

Devon Strafford Little League

145 Old State Rd 
Berwyn, Pennsylvania 19312

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 000-000-0000
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