Girls who are League Age 8, 9, and 10 are eligible to play in this division. Try outs for Majors upon request. Third graders who are League Age 8 may play
Coach Pitch upon request.
Girls learn to windmill pitch from a distance of 35 feet and many Little League fastpitch softball rules are introduced (with modifications). Girls pitch to batters with a hard 11 inch softball, and limited stealing is allowed. After two walks in an inning, a coach will pitch when the pitcher records four balls on subsequent batters in the same inning (i.e. no further walks are allowed). Teams keep score and standings are kept. Playoffs and a Championship Game are held at the end of the season. Scheduling includes games with Berwyn-Paoli.
One team is selected from this age group at the end of the season to enter the
9-10 year old PA State Softball Tournament (DSLL has the option to enter a second team if there is sufficient interest). This team is selected from girls in Majors and Minors who are League Age 9 and 10. Tournament play generally starts in the last two weeks of June and continues until the team is eliminated from competition.
The Berwyn-Paoli Area Little League softball program is combined with the Devon Strafford Little League softball program.
Please register at Berwyn Paoli Area Little League.