Section 1. Appointments. The Board of Directors may appoint such other officers or agents as it may deem necessary or desirable, and may prescribe the powers and duties of each. Appointed officers or agents shall have no vote on actions taken by the Board of Directors unless such individuals have been elected to the Board by the membership or have been elected to fill a vacancy on the Board.
Section 2. President. The President of the League shall be elected from the ranks of the Board by a quorum of the Board members voting as stated in Article VI – Section 4, and shall conduct the program of the League and execute the policies established by the Board. The President shall be the chief operating officer of the League. The President will preside over all Regular Meetings, the Annual Meeting, and Special Meetings.
1. The President also shall:
a) Present a report of the condition of the League at the Annual Meeting.
b) Communicate to the Board such matters as deemed appropriate, and make recommendations for the conduct of the League and its Membership.
c) Be responsible for the conduct of The League program in accordance with stated objectives of the League, and with the principles, rules and regulations of Little League Baseball, Inc.
d) Operate the program of the League, in accordance with the direction of the Board, and appoint staff members required for the conduct of the League’s program.
e) Have the authority to enter into, and make and execute on behalf of the League such contracts and covenants as may have received prior authorization of the Board.
f) Investigate complaints, irregularities and conditions which could become detrimental to the League, and to report to the Board thereon.
g) In cooperation with the Treasurer, prepare and submit an annual budget to the Board, and appoint a Board audit committee to review League finances on a semi-annual basis.
h) Manage League registration activities.
i) With the assistance of the League’s Player agents and others so delegated, examine the registration and support proof-of-age documents of every Player Member candidate, and certify to residence and age eligibility before the Player Member candidates may be finally accepted for tryout and selections.
j) Oversee allocation of fields to provide optimal play for all divisions.
k) Represent the League or assign a delegate(s) to represent the League at all required District, Sectional, or other Little League meetings or events.
l) Perform other duties that from time to time may be delegated by the Board.
Section 3. Secretary. The Secretary shall ensure all actions of the League are carried out in accordance with the League Constitution and By-Laws, keep the minutes of all League meetings, and maintain custody of the official League minutes book, Membership, and other appropriate records of the League (excepting the financial record book and financial or property oriented documents which shall be in the custody of the League Treasurer).
1. The Secretary also shall:
a) Notify Directors, Members, Officers and others of their election and/or appointment.
b) Conduct all correspondence directed by the Board
c) Maintain a list of all Regular Player and Honorary Members, Directors, Officers and others, and give or cause notice to be given of all meetings of The League, the Board of Directors and its Committees.
d) Perform all such duties that may be reasonably coincident with the office of Secretary, or as may be assigned by the Board.
Section 4. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall have charge and custody of all funds of the League and receive all monies and securities and deposit same in the name of the League at a depository approved by the Board.
1. The Treasurer also shall:
a) Keep all records for the receipt and disbursement of all monies and securities of the League, and approve all payments from allotted funds and draw checks there from.
b) Prepare an annual budget, in cooperation with the President, for submission to the Board and the Membership.
c) Prepare and file any and all financial reports to the Federal and Commonwealth governments to maintain the non-profit, tax-exempt standing of the League.
d) Shall at the request of the Board or President, prepare the required documents and records for audit by League official or membership.
e) Perform such duties as specifically are set forth herein and other such duties as are customarily incumbent to the office, or may be assigned to it by the Board.
f) On behalf of the League and its Directors, the Treasurer shall not permit the contribution of funds or property to individual teams or Divisions of the League, but shall cause and allow solicitation of same for the common treasury of the League, only, thereby discouraging and avoiding favoritism among teams or other Divisions within the League.
Section 5. Vice President Baseball. The VP Baseball will oversee and be the League official responsible for the management of all programs and activities regarding baseball.
1. The VP Baseball also shall:
a) Enforce the by-laws, league rules, and division guidelines for the Baseball
program, and bring any matters to the League President and Board of
Directors that warrant their involvement and discussion.
b) Recommend Division Directors for each season to the Board of Directors for
approval and appointment.
c) In conjunction with Division Directors, recommend Managers for individual
teams within each division for each season to the Board of Directors for
approval and appointment.
d) Coordinate mandatory coaching clinics to ensure all volunteer coaches are certified by the League to mentor and develop players.
e) In conjunction with Division Directors and Player Agent, administer the tryout and team assignment process for all levels of play.
f) Review and approve game and practice schedules of all divisions.
g) Direct all activities regarding Tournament Teams in accordance with By-Laws approved by the League Board of Directors. This includes coordination of volunteers, selection of Managers and Coaches with Board of Director approval, coordination of tryout and player selection process in conjunction with Player Agent and Team Managers, serve as the official liaison with League, District, and other Little League officials.
h) Oversee the Fall Ball program and ensure all key elements are in place to
implement this developmental activity.
Section 6. Vice President Softball. The VP Softball will oversee and be the League official responsible for the management of all programs and activities regarding Softball and T-Ball.
1. The VP Softball also shall:
a) Enforce the by-laws, league rules, and division guidelines for the Softball
program, and bring any matters to the League President and Board of Directors that warrant their involvement and discussion.
b) Recommend Division Directors for each season to the Board of Directors for
approval and appointment.
c) In conjunction with Division Directors, recommend Managers for individual
teams within each division for each season to the Board of Directors for approval and appointment.
d) Coordinate mandatory coaching clinics to ensure all volunteer coaches are
certified by the League to mentor and develop players.
e) In conjunction with Division Directors and Player Agent, administer the tryout
and team assignment process for all levels of play.
f) Review and approve game and practice schedules of all divisions. Act as liaison with Berwyn Paoli Little League for all matters relating to inter-league play.
g) Direct all activities regarding Tournament Teams in accordance with By-Laws
approved by the League Board of Directors. This includes coordination of volunteers, selection of Managers and Coaches with Board of Director approval, coordination of tryout and player selection process in conjunction with Player Agent and Team Manager, liaison with League, District, and other Little League officials.
h) Oversee the Fall Ball program and ensure all key elements are in place to implement this developmental activity.
Section 7. Player Agent. The Player Agent shall be the League official that acts as the advocate for all player members to the Board of Directors and general Membership. The Player Agent shall act as representative for all players at League meetings and activities (including player selection activities for regular – tournament – and fall seasons). The Player Agent will ensure to the best of their ability that all Little League and local League rules and guidelines are enforced.
Section 8. Safety Officer. - The safety officer coordinates all safety activities including supervision of ASAP (A Safety Awareness Program), ensures safety in player training, ensures safe playing conditions, coordinates reporting and prevention of injuries, solicits suggestions for making conditions safer, and reports suggestions to Little League International through the ASAP system. The Safety Officer is also responsible for coordinating and confirming all League Board of Directors, Managers and Coaches, and all Volunteers have submitted and completed the appropriate background check and reference information to the League and/or District.
Section 9. Information Officer. - The Information Officer manages the League’s official web-site, ensures that league news and activities are updated on a regular basis, and displays enthusiasm for using the Internet to create a more enjoyable and efficient Little League experience.
Section 10. Resignation, Suspension, Removal from Position. The Board of Directors shall retain the right to suspend or remove any League Official, League Member, or Volunteer for cause, provided that the individual is given notice of his or her right to a hearing before the Board. The cause for suspension or removal must be specified, and the individual in question must be given the opportunity of due process, with prior notification of such pending action no less than ten (10) days in advance of the date for such a meeting. Reason for suspension or removal will be consistent with the League’s stated objective.
1. In the event of removal from position, the Board may act immediately to fill the vacancy, and the person so designated to serve the unexpired term of the position and will not be denied the right of election or appointment to that position at any future time. Quorum and voting requirements outlined in Article VI – Section 4 apply to this section.
2. In the event of resignation of an official or appointed person of the League, the Board may act immediately to fill the vacancy, and the person so designated to serve the unexpired term of the position and will not be denied the right of election or appointment to that position at any future time.
Section 11. Appointments. All Vice Presidents and Key Volunteers will be appointed by the League President with the consent and approval of the Board of Directors. All Division Directors, Managers and Coaches of all teams in a given League Year will be appointed to those positions by the VP Baseball and VP Softball respectively, with the consent and approval of the Board of Directors.