Girls who are League age 11-12 play in this division. Some 11 year olds in 5th Grade may elect to play Minors upon request. Girls in 7th Grade who are League Age 12 may play on a team in either Majors, Juniors, or both (no tryout is necessary, but please inform the league at
[email protected] of your intention).
Girls windmill pitch regulation 12 inch softballs from a distance of 40 feet and all Little League rules for fastpitch softball apply. Teams consist of a combination of girls from Devon Strafford Little League and Berwyn Paoli Little League. Scores are kept as well as standings. Playoffs and a Championship are played at the end of the season.
An 11-12 year old team is selected at the end of the season to enter the
Little League International Softball Tournament (Little League Softball World Series). Twelve year olds who play Juniors may be eligible for this team if they also play in 60% of games for their team in the Majors Division. A player is eligible to play on only one Tournament Team. Tournament Play generally starts in the last two weeks of June and runs until the team is eliminated from competition.
One team may be selected to enter the
10-11 year old PA State Tournament (DSLL has the option to enter a second team if there is sufficient interest). This team is selected from players in both Majors and Minors. Tournament play generally begins in July and continues until the team is eliminated from competition.
The Berwyn-Paoli Area Little League softball program is combined with the Devon Strafford Little League softball program.
Please register at
Berwyn Paoli Area Little League.